Friday 5 February 2010

About Me

I am creative, I enjoy working with big projects, I like to create original work & I enjoy working with Photoshop.

My interests range from the photography behind the images right up to the manipulation and the reasoning behind the design. I have had to work to a brief throughout my time at college and find it challenging and rewarding to see a finished piece that matches an agreed set of standards. I have a good understanding into the media industry and although have started to develop my own style, understand that a lot of industry work involves following a specific criteria for an employer.

My Person Skills

•Ability to work in a team, as well as working individually,
•Excellent time management skills,
•Confident when meeting new people and exploring new locations,
•Being able to adapt to new environments,
•Confident public speaker,
•Positive and self-assured in debate,
•Willing to listen and take on board the thoughts and options of others,
•Quick learner that can develop ideas quickly,
•Strong ICT and Communicational skills,
•Working with the public in a responsible and respectful manner.

I loosely followed a Master Class out of Advanced Photoshop. I started by getting an image off of a landscape and changed the mode into black & white. I started by adding different layers to the image. My main image, the Statue of Liberty, didn’t look right in the background, so I carefully blurred around the edges so that it did not look as though it had just been copy and pasted into the image. I put a blurred effect onto the top of the image and imported the image of the graffiti to create a mood of neglect.

Every item in the image has been carefully selected, and has had work done to it. The overall tone of the image is dark and magical. Each image has a different meaning, and if you look into the objects I have selected they are all religious or about freedom. I added some pain slats into the shy and look a rubber across the different layers, creating the lighting effect.

Finally, I made the planets transparent and added some birds, rubbing out the background behind, making an effect of light behind them. This is meant to symbolise religion. The image took me just under ten hours to complete, and was completed on Adobe Photoshop Elements.

My final image:

I created a poster for MAS Records, who are a real client, based at Kidderminster College. The head of the recording company contacted me and asked if I would be intrested in completing a set of posters for a show. He gave me all of the details that needed to be included on the poster. I created the poster of Adobe Photoshop. After a few drafts we finally settled on one that the client was happy with.

For another college brief at college I had to create a Website, and a advert for a product. I created the website on i-Web and the advert on Final Cut Express. I embeded the advert within the website and also included a game.

I also had to create a pre-production folder for this brief, with all the correct content in. I had to do research into product branding, target audience and html.
For a brief at college I had to complete a photo shoot and adapt the photographs to suit a specific client. My client was a new girl band that wanted a set of photographs to help get their face noticed around the industry.

I started by taking some original photographs of the girls and made them wear suitable props, such as the flowers and glasses, to match their funky look. I then took the images and uploaded them into Photoshop Elements. Here, I played around with the different effects that I could use with the images. I decided that the filters making the images looking bright and funky worked well.
For a college brief I had to create a television trailer for a new teenage television programme coming soon. I had to complete research into target audience, channel branding etc.

I created a pre-production folder, with primary & secondary research in. Story boards, health risk assessments, permission forms, production schedule etc.

After I had collected my data I began to shoot my footage for the trailor. After my footage was completed I edited my trailer on Final Cut Express. I then created a DVD case to accompany the new series, and a poster, both created on Adobe Photoshop Pro.

This is the orginal Photograph that I took. I includes the characters of 7SiNS and is included in my DVD case and is the orginal image for my poster.

This is the DVD case that I created for the series. I completed all of the information on the case, and did research into what a DVD case should and should not include.

Here are some snap shots from the trailer that I created. Unfortuatly I can not upload the trailer to this blog, as I only have a copy of it on disk, and it is in the wrong format.