Friday 5 February 2010

For a college brief I had to create a television trailer for a new teenage television programme coming soon. I had to complete research into target audience, channel branding etc.

I created a pre-production folder, with primary & secondary research in. Story boards, health risk assessments, permission forms, production schedule etc.

After I had collected my data I began to shoot my footage for the trailor. After my footage was completed I edited my trailer on Final Cut Express. I then created a DVD case to accompany the new series, and a poster, both created on Adobe Photoshop Pro.

This is the orginal Photograph that I took. I includes the characters of 7SiNS and is included in my DVD case and is the orginal image for my poster.

This is the DVD case that I created for the series. I completed all of the information on the case, and did research into what a DVD case should and should not include.

Here are some snap shots from the trailer that I created. Unfortuatly I can not upload the trailer to this blog, as I only have a copy of it on disk, and it is in the wrong format.

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