Friday 5 February 2010

I loosely followed a Master Class out of Advanced Photoshop. I started by getting an image off of a landscape and changed the mode into black & white. I started by adding different layers to the image. My main image, the Statue of Liberty, didn’t look right in the background, so I carefully blurred around the edges so that it did not look as though it had just been copy and pasted into the image. I put a blurred effect onto the top of the image and imported the image of the graffiti to create a mood of neglect.

Every item in the image has been carefully selected, and has had work done to it. The overall tone of the image is dark and magical. Each image has a different meaning, and if you look into the objects I have selected they are all religious or about freedom. I added some pain slats into the shy and look a rubber across the different layers, creating the lighting effect.

Finally, I made the planets transparent and added some birds, rubbing out the background behind, making an effect of light behind them. This is meant to symbolise religion. The image took me just under ten hours to complete, and was completed on Adobe Photoshop Elements.

My final image:

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